Our Strategy


Our strategy is to both offer practical support to Practices and Primary Care Networks (PCNs) in ways that will make a difference to them and the people they support, and to work on at-scale issues that will help the system work as a whole.

We have three broad strategic priorities:

  • to be the 'at scale' primary care provider of choice for Brighton and Hove
  • supporting practices in very practical ways - EA / bank / hypertension / PLT / other services
  • supporting the delivery of the Sussex integrated care strategy and service delivery plan including:
    • Integrated neighbourhood teams
    • Digital
    • Workforce

B&HF will respond to tenders for contracts (wholly or as part of a broader Alliance) that help us to deliver our purpose and that are financially sustainable in their own right and do not rely on cross subsidisation from other services.

In the immediate term, we are focused on:

  • Delivering and developing the Enhanced Access (EA) Service and providing additional Primary Care appointment capacity.
  • Hypertension management.
  • Running our Locum Bank to offer Practices help with administration and clinical support in times of need.
  • Providing clinical and telephone cover to enable Practices to close for staff learning and development during Protected Learning Time.
  • Developing a bank of staff for practices to use
  • Expanding the reach of research in primary care in collaboration with the Community Research Network

Future developments

In addition to these high level priorities, with member support B&HF may develop the following:

  • Salaried / portfolio clinicians
  • Recruitment hub
  • Training and Education
  • Supporting the delivery of PCN clinical and estates strategies where appropriate
  • Developing Federation Alliance - adding our voice to the Sussex ICB provider collaborative
  • Development of women's health hub
  • Discharge to assess clinical cover
  • Public Health and ICB LCS delivery

System wide collaboration

We want to make it easy to work in Primary Care; and to help patients be better off as a result of the things we do. We also want to work with partners and build alliances on system-level issues to find effective ways of designing safe, sustainable service responses that really matter from a person’s point of view. We want to experiment with ways that teams might work differently in Primary Care, including integrated neighbourhood teams.

We also plan to join conversations about other practical collaborations and become involved in work that aligns with the broader strategic objectives of the Integrated Care System (ICS), including developing digital offers and supporting workforce development.